Revenue Based Working Capital
Revenue Based Working Capital Qualification
Revenue Based Loan Credit Requirements
- Approved Industry with more than 3-5 deposits a month
- Revenue: Average $15-25K a month for the last 3 to 4 months
- Time in Business: Typically at least 1+ years, but varies by lenders (as low as 6 months).
- Credit Score: 500
- Documentation: Bank statements, bank verification, and application. Proof of ownership and time in business.
- Amount: Up to $5,000,000 per location based on need
- Term: 2 to 36 months
- Interest Rate: Rate factor starts at $1.1 to $1.5 per dollar borrowed
- Frequency: Weekly, Daily
- Early Payoff Discount
- Minimum Sales: $15K consistently and consecutively
- Minimum Time in Business for other loans: 12-24 months
What Do I Need to Get Approved for Revenue-Based Working Capital?
To get approved for revenue-based funding, all we need is the following:- One Page Application
- 3 or 4 Months of Bank Statements
- Voided Check
- Driver’s License
- Proof of Ownership
Application Process for Revenue Based Loan:
- Online Application: Complete a simple online application through Liberty Capital’s website.
- Approval: The approval process is swift, often within 24 hours.
- Funding: Once approved, funds can be deposited into your business account quickly.
- Low Doc Funding: Documents required prior to funding can be as little as Driver’s license and voided check.
Revenue Based Working Capital Requirements:
What do you need to get approved?
Liberty Capital is committed to helping small business owners acquire the revenue-based capital they need to thrive. So, we make it simple for you to apply using our Simple Application .
Join the thousands of businesses that have trusted Liberty Capital Group with their financing needs. Let us help you achieve your business goals and take your business to new heights. We have the highest approval rate.
To get a free, quick, no-obligation revenue-based funding analysis, we would need the following (subject to additional info depending on the types of business funding, amount, and your credit profile):
- Online Application
- Recent bank statements
We look forward to speaking with you. We look forward to working with you. Best of luck!
Minimum Requirements to Get Funded
- Minimum Time in Business: At least 3 months.
- Monthly Revenue: A minimum of $5,000.
- Business Bank Account: Required for the deposit and repayments.
- No Minimum Credit Score: Credit score is not a determining factor for approval.
- Funding over $150K requires tax returns and current P&L and Balance Sheet.
This financing option is ideal for businesses looking for a quick and flexible funding solution to support growth, manage cash flow, or invest in new opportunities without giving up equity or collateral.
Overall, revenue-based working capital loans provide a versatile and flexible financing option for businesses with steady revenue streams, enabling them to grow without the constraints of traditional debt or the dilution of equity.
Vendor Sign Up
Are you equipment dealer or vendor?
please click here to signup for a vendor program, no payment for 90 days, monthly payments upto 60 month
Apply for financing for your customer as a vendor
Get Started Today
Our application process is easy. Simply fill out our quick, online application and start the process of securing financing for your start up practice. Our knowledgeable finance experts are here to assist you in obtaining a start up financing loan.
If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us
- 619-795-3123
- Mon – Fri: 6:00 am – 6:00 pm (EST)